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 Recently my family visited the Plum Creek Alpaca Farm in Prescott Valley. When we entered the farm, the farm dogs walked along with us as we visited the different pens. They housed a variety of groups of alpacas. Some areas were for the females or males and there was even an area for the nursery.

During the tour one of the owners showed us around the farm. There were all kinds of animals, chickens, ducks and more! At the beginning of the tour you receive a bag of food to feed the alpacas. Sadly you only get one bag because I could have fed the animals all day—that was my favorite part of the tour.

We were told that when you feed the alpacas, you take the food from your bag, place it on your hand and the alpacas would stick their tongue out and eat from your hand. Some of the alpacas were shy and did not come to people in our tour group. We were also told that alpacas can spit, so we had to keep our backs against the fence when we entered the pen.

At the end of the tour we were able to go shopping and look at many items made from alpaca fur and much more. Go to  if you want to learn more.

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